Can I Buy British Airways Tier Points?
If you are new to British Airways you may be wondering what Tier Points are for and if they are like Avios? Or if you are close to the next status level you may want to try and buy Tier Points to help you reach it. In this post, we are going to look at if you can buy British Airways Tier Points and the other options you have to reach higher status levels!
Can I buy British Airways Tier Points?
No, unfortunately not. There is not, nor has there ever been (in my memory) a way to buy more Tier Points. You can however purchase Avios points if you wish. To learn more about that check out our article on Are Avios Worth Buying here – https://pointsuncovered.com/avios/are-avios-worth-buying-how-to-answer-the-question/
If you want to read more about Tier Points and how they work in more in-depth take a look at British Airways website here – https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/executive-club/tiers-and-benefits/about-tier-points
Can I Exchange Avios for British Airways Tier Points?
Unfortunately not, they are two different schemes from BA. Avios is a reward currency you collect to redeem flights whereas Tier Points are used to determine your BA status each year.
How can I get more Tier Points quickly?
If you need extra tier points to reach your next status level with British Airways take a look at our guide I Need X Amount Of BA Tier Points. This guide covers the quickest and cheapest way to get the tier points that you need!
I’m going to just miss the Tier Points I need, Can I get an extension?
The good news is yes, you can! It’s British Airways policy to allow a two week grace period/extension if you ring them and request it. If you do it works like this…
If you tier point year ends on the 10th September, the dates 11th September – 24th September will be added to your current year and taken away from your next year. This 2 week ‘bumper’ may be enough for you to keep your status or upgrade it so don’t be afraid to ask!
Although you can’t buy Tier Points you can often pick them by flying 160 tier point returns in Club Europe (see our article I Need X Amount Of BA Tier Points) or pick up an extension that will allow you to reach the next status level.
If you are looking to kick-start your Avios with a huge 200,000 haul don’t forget to take a look at our guide to fast track yourself to a rather cool 200,000 Avios points – https://pointsuncovered.com/american-express/fast-track-yourself-to-2000000-avios-points/