No More Bonus Restrictions On Amex Business Cards
American Express

No More Bonus Restrictions On Amex Business Cards?

The eagle eyed ones among you may have a noticed a significant change on the American Express website made recently. It appears that both the Gold & Platinum Amex business cards are no longer affected by any existing cards if you are looking to obtain a sign-up bonus…

This is my experience using the points system and is not a recommendation of any financial product. There are other credit cards which can earn you travel points including the Avios Barclaycard & Virgin Atlantic credit card. If you use one of our referral links to an American Express card upon you being accepted we or one of our users will receive points, this varies between 9,000 – 18,000 depending on the card I refer you from.

What were the rules previously on getting a sign-up bonus on Amex Business Cards?

Previously you would be ineligible for a sign-up bonus if you held ANY (including personal) American Express Card earning Membership Rewards points in the last thirteen months. That means if you held these cards…

Any of the British Airways American Express cards
Nectar American Express
Marriott Bonvoy American Express
Harrods American Express
Platinum Cashback

You’d be OK but holding the Rewards Credit Card, Gold Card or Platinum Card (or having cancelled it in the last 13 months) would deem you ineligible…

What are the restrictions now?

Well, there appear to be absolutely none at all! For example, on the Amex Gold Business Card, If you click the ‘i’ next to Terms apply you will get this…

Compare this to the additional information on the personal Amex Gold Card…

you’ll see that the Business Amex Gold doesn’t have any text mentioning any restrictions on the New Cardmember offer.

To get a referral (you will receive extra bonus points for meeting the sign-up bonus requirements) go here –

If you don’t want to be referred or just want to read more about the Gold card go here –

For the Platinum Business Card, it’s here –

Why is there no more bonus restrictions on Amex Business Cards?

No idea. Well to be honest, the restriction of not allowing cardholders with personal membership reward earning cards to get a bonus never made a lot of sense. Users of personal membership reward earning cards would probably be more likely to take out a business Gold/Platinum Amex with a sweetener rather than those holding ‘partner’ cards or ‘cashback’ cards. Without a bonus and no reason to move across to a business card I know many personal cardholders that have a business who use their personal card for business expenses… (PS don’t do that)

Personally I was always surprised that they never kept the eligibility simple by keeping the bonuses for personal/business cards completely separate from each other.


Whatever the reason now is a good time to jump in to get an Amex Gold Business card if you’ve been waiting for a bonus and have a business or if you are a sole-trader of some kind. Whether or not there is an incoming increased sign-up bonus remains to be seen.

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