Amex Points Value – How Much Are They Worth?
If you have a Gold or Platinum card (or thinking of getting one) from American Express you are probably wondering what membership reward points are worth? After all, you want the best return on your hard earnt cash! In this post, we are going to look at Amex Points Value, how to get the best value from them and how you can value them yourself.
Why is having an Amex Points Value in mind useful?
Simply because you want to get the best return on your spending! It might be that another card, whether points or cashback, is more suitable for your needs as you get a better return.
Amex Points Value – How Do You Work It All Out?
The simplest way to value your membership reward points is by taking a look at what your normal or most used redemption would be.
If you are transferring into Hilton, Marriott, or Avios we have dedicated articles to help you work out the value of those redemptions.
Hilton –
Marriott –
Avios –
For example, if you valued Avios at 1.2p (1:1 exchange rate) and only transferred into Avios your Amex Points Value should be 1.2p. If you make 75% of your transfers into Avios valuing them at 1p and 25% of your transfers into Hilton (1:2 exchange rate) valuing them at 0.33p each you’d have 75% of your redemptions at 1p & 25% at 0.66p. 75% of 1p is 0.75p, 25% of 0.66p is 0.165p add them together we have a value of 0.915p on our redemptions.
We also value the flexibility Amex Points offer allowing us to redeem into another scheme when and if we want to which allows us to avoid potential devaluations. Due to this benefit, we would add another 10% worth of value to what you’ve already worked out. So for 1p, we’d value at 1.1p BUT your valuation may vary if you don’t value the flexibility of redeeming into different schemes.
How do I get the best value from my Amex Points?
The best value is entirely subjective in our opinion, for example, you may never pay cash for business class flights but really value the experience and comfort it gives you. Whilst this wouldn’t work out as a cash saving (because you’d never pay cash) it is valuable in other ways! (obviously, if you would normally pay cash you could count it as a cash saving.) So rather than telling you a certain way is best we want to tell you the ways that aren’t so good! Ideally, you wouldn’t go below 0.8p per point which is what you get when you convert Amex Points into Avios and then into Nectar points. These you can use at Argos, eBay & Sainsburys… pretty much covering most general items you can buy!
0.45p when swapping your Membership Reward points for cash off your Amex bill.
0.45p when using pay with points on Amazon
0.5p when swapping your Membership Reward points for gift vouchers e.g. Starbucks, M&S, Harrods, iTunes etc.
0.5p when swapping your Membership Reward points for Nectar points directly. (don’t do this however as you will get 0.8p transferring to Avios first!)
Amex Points Value Conclusion
Whilst your own Amex Points Value will vary depending on your normal redemption pattern we believe they are inherently slightly more valuable than the redemption you choose due to their flexibility. What do you use your Amex Points for?