How To Link Your Avios & Nectar Accounts
You may have heard the big news recently that British Airways’ have now partnered with Nectar so you can exchange Nectar to Avios and vice-versa. But how do you link your Avios & Nectar accounts to transfer between the two schemes? Read on to find out!
First things first…
You need to have a British Airways Executive Club Member account AND a Nectar Card account. If you don’t have one or either use the links below to sign-up!
Nectar Card Sign-up – https://www.nectar.com/
British Airways Sign-up – https://www.britishairways.com/
Link Your Avios & Nectar Accounts

Visit this page on the BA website – https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/executive-club/collecting-avios/shopping/nectar – this page provides some details on the partnership but if you want to quickly link your accounts click Get Started.

On the next page, click Log in now. You will initially be asked to log in to your British Airways account.

You will then return to the same screen with the red button now a blue button which says Link accounts now. Click it. You will then be asked to log in to your Nectar account.

Once you complete this you will return to the same screen showing your Avios & Nectar balance. From here you can click Convert points now and start converting your Avios to Nectar or vice-versa! Transfers are instant in either direction.
What’s the conversion rate between Avios & Nectar?
You will receive…
400 Nectar Points for every 250 Avios points you convert
250 Avios points for every 400 Nectar Points you convert
You can only convert in multiples of 250 for Avios points and multiples of 400 for Nectar points.
Any other things I should know?
You can link your accounts even with different surnames together. This could allow 2 people to transfer points between each other for FREE but you cannot link and unlink an Avios or Nectar account more than four times in a calendar year. If you do you cannot link your account until the near year, even with a previously linked account!

You can set up a weekly automated transfer between Avios & Nectar or vice-versa. As long as you have more than 400 Nectar points or more than 250 Avios the transfer will happen. There is a cap on auto-converted points, you can only convert 40,000 Nectar points or 25,000 Avios per quarter (every 3 months.) To set up an auto-transfer go to – https://exchange.shopping.ba.com/partner/nectar – click Convert points now and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click set up auto-conversion now, here you can choose the direction you want to auto-convert before clicking Confirm auto-conversion.
There are caps on transfers, but the caps appear to be separate to each other. As above there is a cap of auto-converting 40,000 Nectar or 25,000 Avios per quarter. You are also restricted to converting a maximum of 80,000 Nectar points or 50,000 Avios per month via manual conversions.
For more information on British Airways’ new partnership with Nectar & to link your accounts go here – https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/executive-club/collecting-avios/shopping/nectar – if you are new to Amerian Express don’t forget you can earn yourself a rather cool 200,000 Avios by following our guide here – https://pointsuncovered.com/american-express/fast-track-yourself-to-2000000-avios-points/ – this is also worth a rather cool £1600 worth of Nectar points!